The Evening Times from Sayre, Pennsylvania (2024)

If 1 PAGE THREE Sayre, -Athens, South THE EVENING TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1944 CRITICAL ALLIED ATI 1TNESS MESS 1 VALLEY PLAYERS TO Oi SHOW Athens Bluejacket Tells Eye-Witness Account of Marshall Island Attack OF FEIiSIVES RE NEAR SF TO MEETFRIDAY America's Finer Tea Still the Quality Leader IS KNOX TESTIMONY DECLARES RUBER ANIMAL HUE OF The Bradford County Holiness association, will meet on Friday at the East Athens Pilgrim Holiness An eye-witness description of Church. the Marshalls Islands bartle has FLlf DENIES JAPS Revival services are being con been received by Mr. and Mrs George C. Matthews, Athens RD 2, ducted and the all-day serv ices will be held in connection with them. Rev.

Howard S. Ben BUT PEARL HAHBOR net, evangelist from Michigan, will preach twice, during the day. The morning service will start with a song service at 10:30 and Rev. Bennet will preach. There Valley Players opened another "two-night stand" last evening in the Community Center when they presented "The Male Animal," oy Thornton Wilder and Elliott Nugent to a large and hignly appreciative The presentation showed the results of hard and intensive work on the part of the cast, and the players made the most out of the comedy situations with which the script was filled Revolving around Prof.

Tommy Turner's (Dan Safford) stand for academic freedom, complicated by what he thought was triangle trouble involving Ellen Turner 1 110 DATA WASHINGTON, March 9 (AP) Navy Secretary Knox said today that the -Allies are "on the threshhold of critical" offensives against the Axis which will dwarf all Previous thrusts. said Knox, this is the time for congress to assure the partners of the United States that the final blow will be struck. That can be done, he told the house foreign affairs committee, by continuing the lend-lease act which expires June A three-year extension is being sought. Appearing as the final witness at the committee hearings, Knox said "we are just now approaching the crisis" and if it had not been for lend-lease "we would not ALBANY, N. March 9 (AP A fomer court of appeals judge finds "wholly false" the claims of John (Sonny) Jones, Albany negro, that he was beaten while being questioned in a Governor Dewey-ordered investigation of crime in Democratic Albany county.

The findings of former Jurist Edward R. Finch, designated by Attorney General Nathaniel L. Goldstein to investigate Jones' story, brought an immediate charge of "whitewash" from Jones' attorney, Morris Zuckman. Jones claimed in an affidavit, released by Zuckman, that he was kicked, beaten and suspended from a window on the 29th floor will be a basket luncheon at noon. after which the afternoon service will start at 1:30.

After a short business session Rev. Thomas Her miz. pastor of the Athens Gospel Tabernacle, will preach. The eve ning service will start at 7:30 and the evangelist. Rev.

Bennet, will (Genevieve Peckally) and football preach again. hero Joe Ferguson (Jack Vos- of the state office building on Feb. burgh), the play moved through a series of hilarious episodes a 25. Ulste In a report yesterday to Gold WASHINGTON, March 9 (UP) Chairman James Lawrence Fly of the Federal Communications Commission said yesterday that any military information from Hawaii used by the Japanese in carrying out their sneak attack upon Pearl Harbor must have been transmitted through regular communications channels. He told the special house committee investigating the FCC that there was no necessity for the Japanese to use illicit short wave stations when "all they had to do to send a message was just walk in (a commercial cable or radio office) and send it." "Constant surveillance of the shortwave spectrum by the FCC had disclosed no unauthorized radio operators in Hawaii for many months before the Dec.

7 attack. stein, i inch said he had examined 21 witnesses who were on the 29th floor of the building when the beating was alleged to have oc be approaching the decisive battles." "It was teamwork which eh-' abled the United Nations forces to carry forward to success the greatest- amphibian operations ever conducted in any war." he said, "and I can promise without revealing any military secrets that these combined operations will seem small when offensives now being planned take place." Knox revealed that, under lend-lease, the U. S. has transferred ships to the Allies, most of them to the Britissh. though title The Music club will meet with Mrs.

Earl Johnson Monday eve ning at the usual time. Members curred. Nine were members of the investigating staff headed by Special Prosecutor George P. Monag- who took sheet music home last satisfactory conclusion. A secondary plot portrayed the love troubles of Mrs.

Turner's sister, Patricia (Lili Schoeps) in choosing between Wally (Donald McMahon) and Michael (Alistar Parr) all college students which paralleled those of the Turners. Marie Earley as Cleota, the Turners' maid, got many laughs as she wandered on and off tage. Slade Palmer as Edward K. Keller, the college trustee interested more in the new stadium than in academic freedom, gave the other month are asked to bring it to han, five were state police and this meeting. seven, Finch stated, "were disinterested parties.

Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Sinclair, Mrs.

Leonard McCarty. Mrs. Har Finch said "all of the witnesses You'll Get 'An Early Bird's old Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond French attended the ai of James F.

VanSice at Athens Paul Matthews from their son, Seaman 1st Class Paul Matthews, who was on board a warship in that area. "We gave the Japs a good pasting," Seaman Matthews wrote. He went on to describe the huge fires which were left burning on the beaches. An ammunition and fuel dump burned for ahout three days after a direct hit, and exploded continually. He watched eight planes strafe denied that he (Jones) had been mistreated in any way." He added that three of the witnesses testified, and he believed from per Saturday afternoon.

Mrs. Arince Roe, who has been caring for T. M. Morrison for the past three returned to Binghamton Sunday. Mrs.

Earl Foster of Towanda is now-the nurse at the Morrison home. an island beach for three Quarters Eye-View of Spring Fashions Brifht pastels, flower-fresh colorful prints, high shades, bright colors. AH the smart new Spring- fashions in all their glory are here at Harding's for your selection. Coats, suits, dresses, accessories and accents. Sizes for juniors, misses, women and large sizes.

Delmar Warren of Bentley Creek called on relatives here Fri of an hour the first morning of the attack. The planes first circled the is retained and they are to be re-tprned when the war ends. oFur thousand naval aircraft also were provided. He had special commend for the French, and the Brazilians, in describing Allied cooperation. U.

S. naval repair facilities have sent back into the war one French battleship, four cruisers, three destroyers, three submarines and six tankers. The carrier Bearn is now being conditioned for action, he added. Reverse lend-lease doesn't compare in dollars with what the U. S.

has handed out, said Knox, but it is a considerable contribution. As an example, the U. S. naval base in Britain has operated for a year "without making a single cash expenditure." island then came across the beach. barely skimming the tree, tops, with, their wing machine guns sonal examination, "that it would be a practical impossibility to hang a man head down from the window in question.

"I-conclude and report," Finch asserted, "that the charges as publicly made by Sonny Jones have been completely refuted on the merits and are wholly false." Commenting on Finch's report, Zuckman said, "I pointed out Tuesday that it pointed to a whitewash. How anybody could determine the facts by just questioning witnesses charged with the act and the parties interested speaks for itself." Finch said Zuckman "refused to produce" Jones for. testimony when Zuckman's request, 'he inquiry be broadened was rejected. day when enroute to an army induction center. Mrs.

A. D. McMorran is slowly improving from a two-weeks ill- ness. Mrs. Paul H.

Brown and daughter Janice have also been ilL blazing. Fly said. He added that "in view of the coverage' it is highly improbable that any illicit stations were operating." Fly had been accused by former committee counsel Eugene L. Garey of preventing consummation of an agreement to end Japanese lxnguage commercial broadcasts from the islands. Rep.

Warren G. Magnuson, asked Fly if it was not true "that the navy is now making an investigation with a select board of every possible way information could be transmitted from the islands and that they will make a complete report of what they Fly agreed and reiterated his denial that either he or the FCC 'are in any way responsible" for the "horror of Pearl Harbor'' a charge which he siad would be "extremely funny in its absurdity if it were not so deadly serious." It was his second day of testimony before a special house investigating committee which un Everything on the islands, in characters plenty of trouble. Mrs. Fred Shaw as Mrs. Keller, and Reed Benson and Fanny Jane McCray as Dean and Mrs.

Damon, gave excellent supporting performances. Mrs! Katherine Bailey directed the play. Tha production staff was as follows: George Mott scene designer; Mr. Mott, Charles Hogan, Miss Earley, and Mr. Palmer, stage; Carol Kimmerle, prompter; Mrs.

Jean Bizilia and Marion Partridge, sound effects; Mrs. Sam Stein, Miss Minnie and Mrs. E. W. Schoeps, properties; Francis L.

R. Gibbs, Miss Earley, and Gordon Reed, publicity; Mrs. Bird Sumner, house; and Phyllis Benson, JoAnne Hopkins, Arlene DuBois and Emily Lou Adams, ushers. The Valley Symphony orchestra, directed by Donald Frandell and composed largely of high school students, made its debut prior to the performance and between the acts. cluding the Japs, was blown" to pieces according to some of the Miss Genevieve Osborne of boys who were on the beacnes and came back.

Ha also stated that the North Ghent spent Saturday at the Rockwell home. Mrs. Etta Bidlack, who has been Jap prisoners he had seen were no taller than five feet but very mus HARDING DRESS SHOP BROAD STREET WAVERLY nursing at the Beckwith home in cular and "built like a wedge." SMITHFIELD GRANGE In a letter of more recent date, Binghamton for several months, is spending a few days at her home DISCUSSES RECIPES Kmithfield Granse lodge 214 Slaves were emancipated in New Hampshire in 1783. Seaman Matthews described- his initiation into the "Shellback" organization which in old navy tradition is made up of 'ndivduals who have crossed the equator; hoiH their rptmlar meeting on in Ulster. Ralph Layman has completed his boot training at the Naval Training station, Bainbridge, March 2.

A report on the Towanda meeting of the Pomona urange was given by Mr. and Mrs. Guy Harris. After the business session, der its former chairman, Fep. Eu- refreshments were erved and the E.

Cox, D. amassed MRS. CAMPBELL IS 1 FO 611 member exchanged recipes tor 3,000 pages of testimony unfavorable to the FCC. The present HONORED AT PARTY making cake, pie ana cooKies without sugar. chairman, Rep.

Clarence F. Lea, said he Would permit Fly THESE ARE YOUR LOCAL INDEPENDENT QUALITY SERVICE STORES and is spending an 8-day ieave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Layman.

Mrs. H. W. Rounds and son Billy Palmer went to Binghamton Sunday to. take Mrs.

Arince Roe to a new position there. Funeral services for Mrs. Nathan Johnson of Durell were held at the Ulster cemetery Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Johnson was a daughter of the late Mr.

and Mrs. Ad- (Continued on Page 4) BRUSH IN to get on the record with a ull Sayre, Penna. reply to the accusations. Mrs. Naomi Campbell, who is leaving for Washington, D.C., to join her husband, was honored at a farewell dinner party given by fellow co-workers in the Belle Knitting Cafeteria and was presented with a gift.

Those present were: Marylin Settre Os-mare. Josephine Namet, Alice De- Farmers in the northern part of SENIOR PLAY TO BE Bradford county who are plannina to burn brush, are asked by Fred Wells, forest fire inspector, to cot operate with, his department. GIVEN ON MARCH 17 TOWANDA March 9 Final SPRING FLOWERS JAYNE Florist PHONE 475 11 Garfield St. Waverly van, Nettie Kordinak, Eima Sey Mr. Wells asks that the Kellogg Cole's Grocery, 101 S.

Keystone Dial 1-5101 Theetge's Food Market 142 S. Keystone Ave. Dial 2-1941 Waltman's Market 424 S. Keystone Ave. Dial 2-1141 Blackman's Grocery 315 Chemung Street Dial 1-7285 Hope's Food Centre 401 Stevenson Street Dial 1-6792 Miner's Market, 108 Desmond Dial 1 3561 Warner's Grocery, 102 First St.

Dial 1-3921 jrehearsals are now under way for South Waverly, Penna. Walter Corbin's Grocery, 376 S. Fulton St. Dial 2-1723 Ulster, Penna. Mills and French Grocery Main Street Waverly, New York Cole's Food Market 104 Chemung Phone Wav.

203 Suffern's Grocery 323 Broad Street Phone Wav. 600 Nichols, New York Latham WTiitcomb Grocery, 17 Main Phone Nichols 18-F-21 tower be notified of all plans to burn brush. This notice can be given by telephone to Towanda 551-R-l. charges reversed. He al the senior class play "Every Family Has One," which will be pre sented Friday, March 17, at the high school auditorium.

Want Pep? Need New Vim and Vitality? Tmi msy feel exhausted, worn-out, pepless, low IB vitality, old at only 40. 60 or 60. solely because your blood lacks Iron. Ostrex Tonic Tablets contain mtdicinal doses of Iron, plus nvtritiomi doses of vitamin Bi, calcium. So If you have no real disease jor true old-age infirmities, but feel worn-out, old lolely because you lack iron: and you want to get nen.

vitality that makes you feel years younaer. mour, Gen Brown, Louise Dunbar, Nellie Baker, Kathryn Layer, Mary Seek, Ora Havens. Lucille Hunsinger, Dorothy Fuller, Loret-ta Hollenback, Charlotte Young, Peg Bonning, Althea Dutton, Anna Hauck, Marian Haynes, Ruth Corneby, Sylvia DeAnglis, Betty Brady and Maud Chapman. so asks that brush be burned. in the afternoon, rather than "during the 'morning hours.

The comedy deals with situations in a typical family home. Athens, Penna. Local wardens are a Position Miss Mariam Lesher is directing the play. to provide equipment that will 1 help prevent such fires from get ting out of hand. Mr.

Wells point Richard's Market, 800 Church Dial 2-3801 Terry Brothers, 118 Elmira Dial 2-3441 Loomis' Grocery, 236 S. Main St. Dial 2-4531 ed out. Wardens in the Valley area try Ostrex today. 35c Introductory sise emit 2Bcl iWidmann Teah, and drug tor (cverywhere.

adv from whom tools and equipment can be borrowed are: Leroy Plouse. OK' WEST HBO Wilawana; Frank L. Perry, East Athens. Leo Munn, Litchfield; and Nabisco Baker's Special Paul May. Milan.

Sunshine Baker's Specials Wheat. Toast Wafers 1 lb. pkg. 19c Sunshine Potato Chips 1 lb. family pkg.

59c CHILD'S BURNS FATAL ATHENS, PA. 328 S. MAIN ST. Nabisco Shredded Wheat 2 pkgs. 25c NOTICE DR.

RALPH K. ROUNDS Dentist 701 N. Main St Athens, Fa. OFFICE HOURS Frl. P.M.

to 8 P.M. Closed Wednesday Saturday 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. PATIEXTs PLEASE NOTE Mt phone number for 1944 will he 1-6183 Plena change In your directory and avoid delay when callinc office. PILLSBURY'S PANCAKE FLOUR A Meal In a Jiffy 2 20 oz.

pkgs. 25c BUFFALO, N. March 9 (AP) Roxy Marlene Hemphill, two-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Hemphill, Lancaster, died of burns in a Buffalo hospital last night.

Lancaster Police Chief Earl Sweitzer said the child was apparently- burned when, her clothing became' ignited while she was playing with a paper of matches in the kitchen of Vr home. reg, size cake large size 26c regular size lie vssy 7c size cake C5 izc SUFFERN'S DRESSES WAVERLY Phone 600 323 Broad St. SHORTENING Ml SPAP Per Cake 3 lb. jar 77c large size 26o regular size llo and IS Hrd Hnt. Pts.

1 lb. jar 27e nd Red Rut. Pis Self Service Grocery DELIVERY SERVICE CHARGE ACCOUNT SERVICE OPEN FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVENING UNTIL 9 P.M. $14.95 fo $16.95 Values Now $7-50 2 For $9-00 $8.98 to $12.95 Values Now $5-00 2 For $6.00 Soap and- Soap Products have rone to war the soap or soap powder that you like, do not blame ime If at times you are unable to get your grocer he is not to be 1 supplies, he will be glad to sell blamed. Just keep on trying and when he receives you some.

Your Home Canning of Last Season Pays Off! Poinl Values Are Now Way Down NEW POINT VALUES Peas 3 Pts. Corn 8 Pts. Asparagus 10 pts. Beets 3 Pts. Snap Beans 0 Pts.

Pumpkin 15 Pts. Some Special Prices to Sell-a-brale MERCERIZED THREAD cks 6 SIS 25c RIBBED RAYON HOSE 3 pair for $1.00 BARGAIN TABLE SNOW SUITS Hand Scarfs, Mittens, Sweaters, 2 Only Stocking Caps, Children's 2 Pc. CHILDREN'S SIZE 2 and 4 Dresses, Corduroy Jumpers Were $9.49 50c Each Now $4-00 FRENCH'S BIRD SEED 14c per package BETTY CROCKER'S BISQUICK lg. 40-oz. pkg.


pkg. 25c "SANK the Coffee that lets you sleep 1 lb. glass jar 42c TROUTMAN'S COUGH SYRUP big 8-oz. bottle for only 35c Peter Pan Super-Smooth PEANUT BUTTER, 9 1-2 oz. glass jar 27c BOSCUL FANCY RICE 1 lb.

package 15c MARY LOU BRAND SALAD DRESSING pint jar 20c SANI-FLUSH large size can 22c MUELLER'S THIN SPAGHETTI 16-oz. family package 16c KARO SYRUP, 1 1-2 lb. Red Label 20c 1 1-2 lb. Blue Label 19c WHEATENA the Hot-Brown Cereal 25c per package HAMBROOK PEAS No. 2 can 10 3 pts.

AWASCO PEAS No. 2 can 14 3 pts. FANCY CORN 8 pis. -SLICED BEETS 9 '-3 pis, Center Cut ASPARAGUS 2 can 17 10 pts. Spears of ASPARAGUS 2 can 37 10 pts.

Plan now for your Victory Garden and home canning for next summer. Without your home-canned foods the ration points would be high. HOMEGROWN POTATOES TS5E pt 39e For Bushel bring your own container bu. $1.49 Children's Muffs and Fur Mittens Children's Angora Bonnels and Velveteen Bonnets Values to $3.59 Q9C Values to $3.59 While they last $1.00 each FRESH PRODUCE FRESH MEATS BIRDSEYE FROSTED FOODS IT'S WESTBROOK'S FOR BETTER CLOTHES.

The Evening Times from Sayre, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

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